#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "LoRaWAN.h" #define F_CPU 1000000UL #include "config.h" // For Storing Frame Counter // Objects and Variables for LoRa #define DIO0 PIN_PA4 #define NSS PIN_PA5 RFM95 rfm(DIO0, NSS); LoRaWAN lora = LoRaWAN(rfm); uint16_t Frame_Counter_Tx = 0x0000; // Global Variables for DeepSleep volatile uint16_t counter = SLEEP_TIME; // List of unused Pins - will be disabled for Power Saving const int disabledPins[] = {PIN_PB5, PIN_PB4, PIN_PB3, PIN_PB2, PIN_PB1, PIN_PB0, PIN_PC3, PIN_PC2, PIN_PC1, PIN_PC0}; //ISR Routine for Sleep ISR(RTC_PIT_vect) { /* Clear interrupt flag by writing '1' (required) */ RTC.PITINTFLAGS = RTC_PI_bm; if (counter >= SLEEP_TIME) { counter = 0; } else { counter++; } } // Sleep Routine void sleep_32s() { Wire.end(); SPI.end(); cli(); while (RTC.PITSTATUS > 0) {} RTC.PITINTCTRL = RTC_PI_bm; // 32 Sekunden RTC.PITCTRLA = RTC_PERIOD_CYC32768_gc | RTC_PITEN_bm; while (RTC.PITSTATUS & RTC_CTRLBUSY_bm) {} set_sleep_mode(SLEEP_MODE_PWR_DOWN); sleep_enable(); sei(); sleep_cpu(); sleep_disable(); sei(); } // Get Battery Voltage uint16_t readSupplyVoltage() { //returns value in millivolts to avoid floating point uint16_t temp = 0; analogReference(VDD); VREF.CTRLA = VREF_ADC0REFSEL_1V5_gc; ADC0.CTRLD = ADC_INITDLY_DLY256_gc; ADC0_CTRLB = ADC_SAMPNUM_ACC64_gc; uint16_t reading = analogRead(ADC_INTREF); temp = reading / 64; uint32_t intermediate = 1534500; reading = 0; reading = intermediate / temp; return reading; } // Get CPU Temp uint16_t readTemp() { //based on the datasheet, in section Temperature Measurement int8_t sigrow_offset = SIGROW.TEMPSENSE1; // Read signed value from signature row uint8_t sigrow_gain = SIGROW.TEMPSENSE0; // Read unsigned value from signature row analogReference(INTERNAL1V1); ADC0.SAMPCTRL = 0x1F; //Appears very necessary! ADC0.CTRLD |= ADC_INITDLY_DLY32_gc; //Doesn't seem so necessary? uint16_t adc_reading = analogRead(ADC_TEMPERATURE); // ADC conversion result with 1.1 V internal reference analogReference(VDD); ADC0.SAMPCTRL = 0x0; ADC0.CTRLD &= ~(ADC_INITDLY_gm); uint32_t temp = adc_reading - sigrow_offset; temp *= sigrow_gain; temp += 0x80; // Add 1/2 to get correct rounding on division below temp >>= 8; // Divide result to get Kelvin uint16_t temperature_in_K = temp; uint16_t temp_in_C = temperature_in_K - 273; return temp_in_C /10; // Return Celsius temperature } // Crude Wear Leveling Algorithm to Spread the EEPROM Cell Wear Over // the first 64 Byte. Using this Method the Theoretical EEPROM Livetime // should be around 60 Years at a 10 Minute Sending Interval // (100000 Erase Cycles per Cell * 32 Locations / 144 Measurements a day * 365) // // Returns the Next EEPROM Address for Saving the Frame Counter uint8_t calcEepromAddr(uint16_t framecounter) { uint8_t eeprom_addr = ((framecounter % 32) * sizeof(framecounter)); if (eeprom_addr == 0) { eeprom_addr = 62; } else { eeprom_addr = eeprom_addr - sizeof(framecounter); } return eeprom_addr; } // Blink x times #ifdef LED_PIN void blink(uint8_t num) { pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 0); for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num * 2; i++) { digitalWrite(LED_PIN, !digitalRead(LED_PIN)); delay(5); } digitalWrite(LED_PIN, 0); } #endif void setup() { // Disable unused Pins (power saving) for (int i=0; i<(sizeof(disabledPins)/sizeof(disabledPins[0]))-1; i++) pinMode(disabledPins[i], INPUT_PULLUP); Wire.begin(); delay(250); // Set RTC while (RTC.STATUS > 0) {} RTC.CLKSEL = RTC_CLKSEL_INT1K_gc; while (RTC.PITSTATUS > 0) {} // Setup LoraWAN rfm.init(); lora.setKeys(NwkSkey, AppSkey, DevAddr); // Get Framecounter from EEPROM // Check if EEPROM is initialized if (EEPROM.read(120) != 0x42) { // Set first 64 byte to 0x00 for the wear leveling hack to work for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) EEPROM.write(i, 0x00); // Write the magic value so we know it's initialized EEPROM.write(120, 0x42); } else { // Get the Last Saved (=Highest) Frame Counter uint16_t Frame_Counter_Sv = 0x00000000; uint8_t eeprom_addr = 0x0000; EEPROM.get(eeprom_addr, Frame_Counter_Sv); while (eeprom_addr < 32 * sizeof(Frame_Counter_Tx)) { if (Frame_Counter_Sv > Frame_Counter_Tx) { Frame_Counter_Tx = Frame_Counter_Sv; } else { break; } eeprom_addr += sizeof(Frame_Counter_Tx); EEPROM.get(eeprom_addr, Frame_Counter_Sv); } } #ifdef LED_PIN pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT); blink(1); #endif } void loop() { if (counter >= SLEEP_TIME ) { Wire.begin(); SPI.begin(); // Create Datastructure for Sending struct lora_data { uint8_t bat; int32_t temp; } __attribute__ ((packed)) data; //Add Battery Voltage uint32_t batv = readSupplyVoltage(); data.bat = (uint8_t)(batv/20); if (batv % 20 > 9) data.bat += 1; // Read CPU Temperature data.temp = readTemp(); // Send LoRa Packet, Increment Frame Counter lora.Send_Data((unsigned char *)&data, sizeof(data), Frame_Counter_Tx, SF7BW125, 0x01); // Save the next FrameCounter to EEPROM Frame_Counter_Tx++; EEPROM.put(calcEepromAddr(Frame_Counter_Tx), Frame_Counter_Tx); } // Sleep until next Measurement sleep_32s(); }