# NotifyBanner ## General The NotifyBanner component is used to show Messages like Errors to the User. It shows a banner at the top of the screen. ## Functions and Parameters ### NotifyBanner.show(text, params); This operation shows the banner. #### Parameters ##### text This parameter is required. It should receive a string with the Message to be shown. ##### params This parameter is optional. It receives a JS-Object with parameters for colors and timeout: { // Set the color of the Text fgColor: "red", // Set the color of the Background bgColor: "yellow", // Set the timeout in ms time: 4000 } You can specify any combination of the three parameters. Every parameter not specified will use these default values: * time: 3000 * fgColor: Theme.primaryColor * bgColor: Theme.secondaryHighlightColor ## Usage First include the NotifyBanner.qml in your project, then import it in the main QML-File. A Directory layout may look like this: my-project |--qml |--componenets | |-NotifyBanner.qml |--main.qml In main.qml import the components directory and create the global notify element: import QtQuick 2.0 import Sailfish.Silica 1.0 import "pages" import "components" ApplicationWindow { id: appWin NotifyBanner { id: notify } initialPage: Component { MainPage { } } cover: Qt.resolvedUrl("cover/CoverPage.qml") } Now you can use it throughout your project like this: // Basic usage with default values notify.show("An Error occured"); // Advanced Options notify.show("Here is a message", {time: 4000, fgColor: "black", bgColor: "yellow"});