# The name of your app. # NOTICE: name defined in TARGET has a corresponding QML filename. # If name defined in TARGET is changed, following needs to be # done to match new name: # - corresponding QML filename must be changed # - desktop icon filename must be changed # - desktop filename must be changed # - icon definition filename in desktop file must be changed TARGET = harbour-sailotp DEFINES += APP_VERSION=\\\"$$VERSION\\\" DEFINES += APP_BUILDNUM=\\\"$$RELEASE\\\" CONFIG += sailfishapp SOURCES += src/harbour-sailotp.cpp OTHER_FILES += qml/harbour-sailotp.qml \ qml/cover/CoverPage.qml \ rpm/harbour-sailotp.spec \ rpm/harbour-sailotp.yaml \ harbour-sailotp.desktop \ qml/pages/MainView.qml \ qml/pages/AddOTP.qml \ qml/pages/About.qml \ qml/lib/storage.js \ qml/lib/crypto.js \ qml/lib/sha.js \ qml/sailotp.png \ qml/pages/ExportPage.qml \ qml/components/NotifyBanner.qml \ qml/pages/ScanOTP.qml \ qml/lib/urldecoder.js \ qml/pages/QRPage.qml \ rpm/harbour-sailotp.changes i18n.files = i18n/*.qm i18n.path = /usr/share/$${TARGET}/i18n INSTALLS += i18n lupdate_only { SOURCES = qml/*.qml \ qml/pages/*.qml \ qml/covers/*.qml \ qml/components/*.qml TRANSLATIONS = i18n/de.ts \ i18n/en.ts \ i18n/fr.ts \ i18n/sv.ts } include(src/qzxing/QZXing.pri) include(src/FileIO/FileIO.pri) include(src/qqrencode/qqrencode.pri) DISTFILES += \ qml/lib/cryptojs-aes.js